Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day 27: Someone Stole My Seat...

... and my desk! So now I'm sitting on this too-comfy-to-be-comfy couch. Fortunately, I'm willing to overlook this obstacle and be productive today. I've been working on my abstract for my senior research project which is really quite challenging because of the fact that it should be terse. So to get the most important points of my project, I'm working on my final product which will be a little bit like an article. I remember in Capstone Physics, we wrote articles to get published and we would write the abstracts last because it's easier to remember the thesis once your thoughts have been arranged. So it's kind of a habit for me to write the abstracts last.
  • Side note: One of my friends from Capstone Physics, Jeff Milling, has been working really hard doing more research on nuclear fusion on top of his senior research project because his paper (which was co-written by Ryan Hearn) is actually really close to publishing! Absolutely brilliant work! I really hope you guys get published!
In addition, I've been reading another article for Journal Club tomorrow about the contralesional dorsal premotor cortex (cPMd) and what its purpose is after strokes. The study uses TMS and fMRI. TMS has been becoming very popular when being used to study strokes, which continues to intrigue me. The TMS is used for several different studies and treatments that it is becoming more versatile. It could be because the TMS is used to affect the brain, which controls everything in the body. I love the brain.

Thanks for reading my blog! 

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