Photo Gallery: The Lab

Where the magic happens. Room 158 contains 158 A-E. It is connected to Room 168! This room contains smaller rooms where we experiment.

Here is an image of where the trials take place. Please take a seat as I bring you through the process. 

"Position your fingers on this block as shown on the monitor."  The monitor isn't shown in the image and no one actually says what I just said... But the monitor does indicate what the person should do on the block--where to position your fingers or how much force to apply. The inner, black, metal blocks are force detectors.

BEHOLD! TMS! The black "8" at the end of the top blue cord contains the magnetic coils, like I mentioned in my very first post, "Entering the Blogosphere." The machine itself was created by MagStim.

These two (2) instruments are used for data collecting. The one on top is called an amplifier because it amplifies the MEP (motor evoked potential) values. The bottom one collects the values from the amplifier and is called an EMG, or electromyogram.

It doesn't seem very high-tech, but the complexity of the brain along with the project compensates for that.

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