Here's a glimpse of my presentation that I have been working so diligently on (left). Last week, I mentioned to my mentor how this week will be my last week in the lab, so he suggested that I present my presentation to people in the lab. I seriously thought he was joking. This Friday, I will be giving a presentation to people I have either never seen before or never spoken to before. I am really nervous. Everyone here is really nice and all, but they all will secretly be judging me, and I know it. Luckily, my mentor is willing to help me fix up my slides and my speech. Hopefully that will be enough to compensate for the neuroscience knowledge everyone knows I don't have... I'm freaking out, as you can see. I really should give myself more credit, but everyone in this lab knows so much about the brain and TMS and experiments like mine that I'm afraid I'll appear inept. Everyone here is either a graduate student or a post-graduate scholar, so I'm terrified.
Negativity aside, there's really nothing else I have to say. Just need to add more notes to my presentation to read off of for my trial run Friday. Wish me good luck!
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